Chnage your CV into a portfolio website in few clicks, store Digital Assets like link, doc, pdf in one place
Tech Used- Typescript, React, Oauth, Zod, bcrypt, JWT, Tailwind, Express, axios, moongoDB
A platform where users can watch Trailers of any Movie + gen-AI suggestions free
Tech Used- React, RTK, Tailwind, Firebase, lazy-loading, Performance-optimisation, Code-splitting, Modular-coding, Mobile-responsive
Swiggy API
Tech Used- React, RTK, Taiwind, Mobile Responsive
Tech Used- JavaScript, Node, Postman, React, Express, MongoDB, MUI
Tech Used- Node, React, Express, MongoDB, MUI
Its more like a Sticky Notes than a simple boring To-do
Tech Used- JavaScript, Express.js, Node.js
A Personel AI assistant for all your professional needs. No need to create acoount or sign up.
Tech used- html, css, JavaScript, API, Node.js
A two player game with a descent user experience
Tech used- html, css, javascript
A Basic calculator for +, -, *, /
Tech used- html, css, javascript
A cash register for someone who work only with cash
Tech used- html, css, javascript
Tech used- html, css, javascript
Tech used- html, css, javascript